Outcross project approved

Information April 2024

For several years, there has been discussions within the Swedish Field Spaniel Club to draw up an application to do an outcross project to help with the Field Spaniel breed's fertility problems and low genetic variation, and now, happily, the SKK's breeding committee has approved the club's application and project plan. The project plan is prepared together with breeders and members within the club as well as in collaboration with the Swedish Spaniel and Retriever Club (SSRK) and the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK). The breeds chosen to be used as donors are the English Cocker Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel and Welsh Springer Spaniel - three breeds with good fertility and temperament similar to the Field Spaniel's i.e. Spaniel mentality. The three breed clubs have been contacted and have responded positively to the project. Broadly speaking, the project entails that a number of Field Spaniels will be bred to dogs of the donor breed, and they will then be bred back to Field Spaniels. The puppies born within the project are registered as Field Spaniels, however, not in SKK's normal dog registry but in the special registry the X-registry, and they can participate in all activities within the SKK organisation. Only in the fourth generation can they be registered in SKK's regular SE registry, in accordance with international FCI rules. In the end, the hope is that these Field Spaniels will contribute with new healthy genes to the rest of the population

From the SKK/AK nr 2–2024, 2024-03-22:
”Application for an outcross project regarding increased genetic variation in Field Spaniels

SKK/AK already noted at the previous meeting that the club has worked in a meritorious way with the issue and submitted a well crafted application, but as since SKK centrally did not have a ready approach regarding the handling of outcross projects, the matter has been tabled. SKK/AK discussed the issue and noted that since the previous meeting, the Central Board, CS, confirmed SKK/AK's conclusion that the offspring in an outcross project are not registered in the regular stud book (SE registry) but in the so-called X registry (an annex registry where the offspring from an outcross receives the prefix SXX in its registration number). The Outcross Project Working Group (Arbetsgruppen för inkorsningsprojekt) reported that the application was reviewed once more prior to this meeting and that the group had no additional comments. With that as a background, SKK/AK decided to grant the application for an outcross project regarding increased genetic variation in Field Spaniels." (Translated fromhttps://www.skk.se/globalassets/globala-filer/protokoll/avelskommitten/2024/avelskommitten-2-2024.pdf)


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Project application decision postponed